Harmon Construction Staking
Pecos to Boulder Highway
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Client: Clark County Public Works
Completion: 2023
Taney Land Surveying was selected to provide public works construction staking for improvements on along Harmon Avenue, Pecos Road to Boulder Highway. The scope of work includes: reconstruction/rehabilitation of pavement and pavement widening improvements to intersecting streets and horizontal and vertical transitions install new concrete valley gutters, replace existing concrete valley gutters, and replace existing concrete valley gutters with asphalt pavement. replace substandard ADA facilities: sidewalk, ramps, traffic signal push buttons, and pedestrian facilities install or repair damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk areas provide bicycle lanes and pavement markings, storm drain facilities utility modifications and relocations street lighting modifications with LED upgrades and new lighting ITS conduit and fiber with pull boxes and other appurtenances upgrade traffic signals at intersections and install new loop detectors upgrade/replace all signage.
Pre-Construction - Survey Control
Removals - Curb, Sidewalk, Pavement
Curb, Gutters, Barrier Wall Driveways And Median Islands
New Streetlights & Pullboxes
Storm Drain
Right-Of-Way Staking
Water Line Staking
Gravel Grades - Street Subgrade, Street Type II
Meetings - Pre-Const. And Progress Meetings
Post Construction - Final Deliverables